Friday, January 10, 2014

Physiotherapy works: Stroke

Physiotherapy is clinically effective and cost-effective in the treatment of people who have had a stroke.

Stroke is the largest cause of complex disability in the India, and approximately one-third of stroke survivors are left with disability and rehabilitation needs.

Physiotherapists play a pivotal role at every stage of the patient pathway, helping individuals to reach their full physical potential and functional ability and to reintegrate into society.

Within a multidisciplinary team, physiotherapists rehabilitate patients from acute care to the home setting, and provide long-term community support.

How can physiotherapy help?

The first priority is that your condition is medically stable, once this has occurred your focus can shift to rehabilitation. Your rehabilitation will delivered by a multi-disciplinary team, this could include physiotherapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy.

Rehabilitation usually starts in the first few days after a stroke - while you are still in hospital. Your physiotherapist's role will be to help return as much normal function as possible so you can continue to do the things you enjoy in life.

Rehabilitation will be influenced by the severity of your stroke and the resulting problems. It may include:

Helping you relearn how to perform basic movements, such as getting out of bed and walking.

Specific exercises to aid in your recovery by strengthening weak muscles, improving your balance and teaching you new ways to complete tasks.

Teaching you how to use any equipment that may be needed to help keep you safe.

Long term recovery

How long it takes to recover depends on the severity and location of your stroke and your access to treatment. Everyone experiences different problems and recovers at different rates. When the hospital based rehabilitation service feels you are safe to go home you may be referred to physiotherapy.

A physiotherapy programme can help you with many symptoms that are common after a stroke.

"Dr.krishi says patients get much benefit if they consult a neuro-physiotherapist, as they are well equipped and highly skilled for post-stroke rehabilitation."

Common symptoms that you may experience:-

Lack of energy - this is because your body is recovering from an injury to your brain. Relearning new skills also makes you more tried as they require so much concentration. Breaking tasks into much smaller steps can help with this as can increasing your activity slowly rather than in large steps, and remember to schedule in regular rest breaks if you need them.

Weak muscles – sometimes your arm and/or leg can feel weak or difficult to move.. Specific exercises, prescribed by a physio, can help you regain your muscle power and control.

Lack of sensation - after a stroke parts of your body may feel numb or just different to normal. Gentle massage (soft touch) can help as can exposing your skin to different textures and temperatures to help normalise sensation.

Balance- you might feel unbalanced or unsteady while moving around. A physio can advise on how to walk safely and improve your balance; this could include daily walking practice or making your home safer e.g. removing rugs that you may trip over. Sometimes a walking frame or stick is given to help you move around independently.

It's also important to note that after a stroke you are more at risk of having a fall.