Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Protect Your Back at Work


MANY OF US ARE WORKAHOLICS (ADDICTED TO WORK), we sit through most of our day, often in the same position, hour after hour, talking on the phone and staring at computer screens.

                                       Is it any wonder we’re stiff?

 Most of us let our chests fall forward and slump when we sit, which dramatically increases the pressure on the spine.

               “Sitting hurts your back more than standing,”

Dr.krishi says it is more imp to have common sense than excess subject knowledge

·        Position your computer properly. You should be seated at eye level to your screen, so that you don’t have to look too far down or too far up to do your work.

·        Sit smart. You don’t necessarily need the perfect, custom ergonomic chair, “There are lots of expensive, ergonomic chairs, but nothing replaces common sense.” Get a chair that provides support for your middle and lower back. “If your knees are at 90 degrees and your spine is at a neutral posture, that’s the right position for you.”

·        Use a footrest. “If  your feet are supported on something, it makes it easier to rest on your back

·        Take a break. Set a timer on your computer and, every 45-50 minutes, get up for a few minutes to stretch and walk around. When you sit back down, make sure you’re getting into a supported position with a neutral spine -- neither slumped forward nor pushed back.

If you don’t work at a desk and you stand or lift things a lot at work……….. One of the most important things for someone who stands a lot, whether you’re a clerk or a college professor, is wearing the correct kind of shoe.

Whether you’re delivering a lecture or a sales person, you should also keep a small footrest near you, where you can put one foot up to unweight one side of the body, then switch.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Are you looking to grow a few more inches taller? ...............YES?

                                               Then it is time to get yourself involved in some height increasing exercises that will surely help you gain at least 3 - 4 inches in a short span of time, if you do them regularly. Actually, there is not secret to these exercises as they're all based on logical and scientific methods that will help you gain height. Let's take a look at them now.
  • Stretches - You might have definitely done stretches before; they're the most effective warm up for any type of workout. It is recommended that you do the stretches for at least 15 minutes every day. Car stretch, cobra stretch, the bridge, the table, bow down, super stretch, twists and basic leg stretches is a great way to start with.
  • Hanging exercises - Hanging exercises can be done by everyone. Initially it might be tough but with time you will be able to master it. It is really simple - hanging on a bar with your arms and spine stretching for 10 seconds will give you amazing results. Do this for 2 minutes every day (10 seconds x 12 times) and you'll know the magic it can do.
  • Swimming - If you don't know swimming just go and learn it because this is something you should not miss out on. Swimming for a couple of hours at least 5 hours a week will start doing wonders to your height. Breast stroke is considered to be the best swimming exercise to get your height increased. Why breast stroke? Because it is a whole body exercise and it is more intense than any other exercise because you're doing it on water. So when you use your body, legs and arms to the fullest, they're going to develop muscle strength which will lengthen them within weeks.
All these height increasing exercises work 100% no matter how old you are, because many people have started seeing positive results within days
“Don't go for surgery or pills because it is important that you increase height naturally”