Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Protect Your Back at Work


MANY OF US ARE WORKAHOLICS (ADDICTED TO WORK), we sit through most of our day, often in the same position, hour after hour, talking on the phone and staring at computer screens.

                                       Is it any wonder we’re stiff?

 Most of us let our chests fall forward and slump when we sit, which dramatically increases the pressure on the spine.

               “Sitting hurts your back more than standing,”

Dr.krishi says it is more imp to have common sense than excess subject knowledge

·        Position your computer properly. You should be seated at eye level to your screen, so that you don’t have to look too far down or too far up to do your work.

·        Sit smart. You don’t necessarily need the perfect, custom ergonomic chair, “There are lots of expensive, ergonomic chairs, but nothing replaces common sense.” Get a chair that provides support for your middle and lower back. “If your knees are at 90 degrees and your spine is at a neutral posture, that’s the right position for you.”

·        Use a footrest. “If  your feet are supported on something, it makes it easier to rest on your back

·        Take a break. Set a timer on your computer and, every 45-50 minutes, get up for a few minutes to stretch and walk around. When you sit back down, make sure you’re getting into a supported position with a neutral spine -- neither slumped forward nor pushed back.

If you don’t work at a desk and you stand or lift things a lot at work……….. One of the most important things for someone who stands a lot, whether you’re a clerk or a college professor, is wearing the correct kind of shoe.

Whether you’re delivering a lecture or a sales person, you should also keep a small footrest near you, where you can put one foot up to unweight one side of the body, then switch.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Are you looking to grow a few more inches taller? ...............YES?

                                               Then it is time to get yourself involved in some height increasing exercises that will surely help you gain at least 3 - 4 inches in a short span of time, if you do them regularly. Actually, there is not secret to these exercises as they're all based on logical and scientific methods that will help you gain height. Let's take a look at them now.
  • Stretches - You might have definitely done stretches before; they're the most effective warm up for any type of workout. It is recommended that you do the stretches for at least 15 minutes every day. Car stretch, cobra stretch, the bridge, the table, bow down, super stretch, twists and basic leg stretches is a great way to start with.
  • Hanging exercises - Hanging exercises can be done by everyone. Initially it might be tough but with time you will be able to master it. It is really simple - hanging on a bar with your arms and spine stretching for 10 seconds will give you amazing results. Do this for 2 minutes every day (10 seconds x 12 times) and you'll know the magic it can do.
  • Swimming - If you don't know swimming just go and learn it because this is something you should not miss out on. Swimming for a couple of hours at least 5 hours a week will start doing wonders to your height. Breast stroke is considered to be the best swimming exercise to get your height increased. Why breast stroke? Because it is a whole body exercise and it is more intense than any other exercise because you're doing it on water. So when you use your body, legs and arms to the fullest, they're going to develop muscle strength which will lengthen them within weeks.
All these height increasing exercises work 100% no matter how old you are, because many people have started seeing positive results within days
“Don't go for surgery or pills because it is important that you increase height naturally”

Friday, August 31, 2012

frozen shoulder

Frozen shoulder is one of the very commen conditions dealed by physiotherapists.............

Our clinic(varsha physiotherapy) has treated many patients of frozen shoulder.............

It is surprising to know that 20% of our patients till date are of shoulder problems, mostly frozen shoulder..........................
Not all  patients have the same etiology(cause of the problem), but most of them have a predisposing factor of diabetis, and mostly female.......
All these have been proved facts,
 But most patients tell me that they have severe pain at night and they feel comfortable when they sleep on effected side(on the pain ful shoulder)..........
now this is the point of discussion......please dont do that

Adhesive capsulitis or frozen shoulder typically develops in three stages, with each stage usually lasting three to four months
Freezing Stage: During this stage, pain can occur with any movement or while at rest. It may be difficult finding a comfortable sleeping position.

Frozen Stage: Pain may begin to diminish during this stage; however, shoulder range of motion also begins to decrease. Patients may notice they are not able to reach into their back pocket or comb the back of their hair. 

Thawing Stage: During this stage the condition slowly improves and range of motion is slowly regained.

Consult your physiotherapist for the best treatment of the condition as early as possible to avoid night pain


Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What can you do to reduce heel pain?

“Getting out of bed each morning was painful,” recalls a patient of her yearlong experience with heel pain when she first visited me………………………

                   . “As I place my foot on the floor, I could feel a sharp pain in my heel and could only drag about the room. It would loosen up after a few minutes, but my foot would continue to hurt as I went through the day.”

Heel pain with the first steps getting out of bed in the morning, or when standing from a seated position, are the most characteristic symptoms of plantar fasciitis 

Plantar Fasciitis Causes Heel Pain

The plantar fascia is a tough, fibrous tissue band running under the soles of your feet, and connects the heel bone (calcaneus) to the base of the toes. It also helps support the arch of the foot in its role as a shock absorber. An injury or continuous irritation of this tissue causes plantar fasciitis and the resulting heel pain.

Treatment Options

The following self-care measures may help reduce symptoms.

Stop all sports and rest the foot.

§  Stretching the plantar fascia and Achilles tendon is effective in reducing symptoms.

§  Use shoes with better heel cushioning, or include a heel cup for pain relief.

§  Apply ice to the heel. Freeze a plastic bottle of water and roll your foot over it.

§  Limited use ofl anti-inflammatory medications is helpful.

§  Different types of day or night wear splints keep your plantar fascia stretched, and relieve pain.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


What is the Ideal Posture.............?

There is a lot of guidance about what the ideal posture is.................

Sorry readers I won’t bore you by giving lot of lectures on so called Ideal Posture

What is important to remember is that: even if it is possible to maintain this ‘ideal’ posture for long periods, this will still place sustained stress on certain structures in the body,

So what is absolutely important is to:

"Stand up, move and change position!"

Here are some easy tips you can practice to achieve good posture.

     1.     Be ergonomically smart: At the workplace, use an ergonomic chair, support your lower back with a small cushion and ensure that your legs reach the floor or the foot rest comfortably. Knees should be at level or slightly higher than the hips, and the elbows must rest on the armrest.

2.     Buy the right kind of sofa: Spend the maximum you can afford on a good sofa set when doing up the house. Buy sofas that support your back instead of the ones people sink into. Also, put a lot of cushions on them, which can be used to get comfortable and support the back.

3.     When working at the desk, don’t slouch or curve your back. Sitting up straight is important to keep muscles and ligaments in top form and prevent neck strain.

4.     A good posture while standing is to keep the feet apart at shoulder distance with the body weight resting more on the balls of the feet rather than the heels. Arms should hang by the sides and the knees should not be locked

5.     If you’re standing for long periods of time, shift your body weight from one leg to another or rock to and fro from heels to toes at regular intervals. If possible, use a small stool to rest each foot on the stool for a while and change over.

6.     While walking, look straight ahead with the head in a comfortable position, not leaning forward and shoulders upright but not too far back.

7.     When it comes to getting a good night’s rest, your mattress and pillow play an important role. Choose a firm but not hard mattress that supports your body but doesn’t sink in. Use a soft or small pillow for neck support. Beware: Using more than one pillow can strain your neck muscles.

8.  A good sleeping posture to adopt is to sleep on the back or on your side. A cushion placed under the knees while sleeping on the back is recommended. If you’re sleeping on one side, place the cushion between your knees so that the knees do not touch. This helps balance the body’s weight, and prevents stress.

9.     While lifting heavy weights, hold it close to the chest. While bending, keep your back straight and bend from the knees, and not from the waist. When carrying a handbag on one shoulder, keep it light and sling it on alternate shoulders to avoid strain on one shoulder.

10.   While driving, keep your back firmly on the back-rest of your seat. Also, remember to adjust the seat so that your legs can comfortably reach the pedals. Ensure that the back of the head touches the middle of the headrest.

Friday, July 20, 2012


A sharp throbbing pain in your neck which radiates downwards to your arms might signify a neck cramp. Read this article to know more about the causes and treatment for neck cramps.



To maintain our posture, the muscles of our neck and head alternatively contract and expand. When a muscle involuntary contacts and then cannot relax at once, it is known as spasm. If this spasm lasts for a longer period of time, it is known as a cramp. Cramps are characterized by extreme pain and it is more common as we age.

 Here we will discuss various causes of cramps in neck along with preventive measures and its treatment.

Causes of Neck Cramps

Neck cramps can occur due to awkward sleeping positions, a very soft or too hard mattress, or sudden movement of the neck muscles. You can also get them while yawning, bending forward.

Sleeping Position

You might suffer from a neck shoulder cramp if you sleep at an awkward position at night. Sleeping without a pillow or a very thin one can also contribute towards neck cramps.

Some people sleep in the same position for several hours. This can also contribute towards cramps in neck.

Sleeping on the side, by tucking your body causes the neck muscles to be over-flexed resulting in cramps in neck.

Bad Posture

Bad posture is an unfortunate by-product of our sedentary lifestyle.

Bad posture causes cramps and inflexibility in the body. Bad posture is also caused by defective office ergonomics. In simpler terms, it includes elements such as proper height of furniture, correct placement of the computer, lighting, etc.

Sitting with a rounded back, putting the entire weight of the body on one hip, and sitting static for prolonged period of time strains the neck and shoulder muscles, leading to neck muscle cramps.


The main reason for cramps in neck is injury

 If you have pulled the muscles of the neck or are suffering from slipped disc, spondylitis it can lead to neck cramp.

Cramps in neck might sometimes be brought about by yawning.

Any sudden and violent movement of the neck can cause the neck muscles to stiffen and cramp.

Treatment and Preventive Measures for Neck Cramps

When we sit for prolonged periods of time, which is generally the case at work, our muscles become fatigued and stressed.

Since the human body is not designed to remain static, it adversely affects our posture. 
To prevent neck cramps due to improper posture, keep your feet flat on the floor while sitting at your desk. 

 The monitor of your computer should always be placed at a distance of an arm's length, about 45 - 60 centimeters so that there is minimal strain on your eyes.

This also ensures that you don't have to constantly bend forward to read the screen. While sleeping, do not sleep in the same position for more than 40 minutes.

 Exercises increases the flexibility of the body can also cure and prevent cramps. Dehydration also causes cramps, so always drink 8 - 10 glasses of water everyday.

Consult a physiotherapist,  if cramps persist for a long time.

Neck cramp is generally not life-threatening, and with proper rest and exercises, it is possible to cure cramps. 


Friday, April 20, 2012






  •     The strength of the body will be lost during this period. People feel tired and exhausted during the season due to extensive heat rays of the sun, the watery portion of the body of people will become dry.

  • SUN BURNA sunburn occurs when skin tissue is damaged due to prolonged exposure to UV radiation (not heat) from the sun. UV light is classified intro three energies based on wavelength: UVA, UVB and UVC. UVB and, to a lesser degree, UVA, are thought to contribute to sunburns and can also contribute to skin cancer.

  •  Heat strokeHeat stroke is a form of hyperthermia (an abnormally elevated body temperature). Although many people may often feel faint or sick during heat waves, true heat stroke is a medical emergency and can be fatal. Classic signs of heat stroke include extremely high core body temperature of up to 106F; hot, red, dry skin; a rapid pulse; rapid breathing; headache; confusion; and possible loss of consciousness



Prevent it
  1. Avoid the sun between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., when UV light is most intense
  2. Wear generous amounts of sunblock that is anti-UVA/UVB 
  3. Wear hats and other clothing as often as possible.
Treat it
With regard to the treatment of sunburns, potential remedies include cold compresses; a cool bath; mild, fragrance-free moisturizers; aloe-based moisturizers; silver sulfadiazine (1% cream).


Prevent it
  • Plan your activity around the weather (read: check local weather reports prior to leaving the house);
  • Drink lots of water well before and during activity;
  • Wear light-colored, loose-fitted clothing;
  • Avoid exercise, coffee and alcohol in extreme heat.

Treat it
  • Call AMBULANCE immediately;
  • In the meantime, attempt to cool the victim by moving them into the shade, removing clothing, applying cool or tepid water to the skin, fanning them, and by placing ice packs under the armpits and groin;
  • Rehydrate the victim with water or preferably a sports drink;
  • If the afflicted begins shivering, slow down the cooling process (shivering will increase core temperature).

Thankfully, you can avoid many of these seasonal hazards by following THESE TIPS.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

shoulder pain in diabetic patients

The prevalence of shoulder pain in people with diabetes is at least twice as high compared with people who do not have diabetes.

Diabetes is known to affect the shoulder in several ways. Frozen shoulder seems to be the commonest - with up to 20% of diabetic patients developing it at some time or other.

There are many ways that diabetes can affect the muscles and joints. Sugar sticks to the collagen in cells and affects its ability to function. Diabetes can damage blood vessels and a poor blood supply results in scarring and damage in the body's elastic tissues

Shoulder pain is an extremely common complaint, and there are many common causes of this problem. It is important to make an accurate diagnosis of the cause of your symptoms so that appropriate treatment can be directed at the cause.

What are the best treatments for shoulder pain?

The treatment of shoulder pain depends entirely on the cause of the problem. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you understand the cause of your symptoms before embarking on a treatment program. If you are unsure of your diagnosis, or the severity of your condition, you should seek medical advice before beginning any treatment.
Not all treatments listed here are appropriate for every condition, but may be helpful in your situation.
  • Rest: The first treatment for many common conditions that cause shoulder pain is to rest the joint, and allow the acute inflammation to subside. It is important, however, to use caution when resting the joint, because prolonged immobilization can cause a frozen shoulder.
  • Ice and Heat Application: Ice packs and heat pads are among the most commonly used treatments for shoulder pain. using both alternatively can be more effective.
  • Stretching: Stretching the muscles and tendons that surround the joint can help with some causes of shoulder pain. A good physiotherapist can guide you for effective stretch.
  • Physical Therapy: Physical therapy is an important aspect of treatment of almost all orthopedic conditions. Physical therapists use different modalities to increase strength, regain mobility, and help return patients to their pre-injury level of activity.
    Some specific exercises may help you strengthen the muscles around the joint and relieve some of the pain associated with many conditions.
  • Anti-Inflammatory Medication: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory pain medications, commonly referred to as NSAIDs, are some of the most commonly prescribed medications, especially for patients with shoulder pain caused by problems such as arthritis, bursitis, and tendonitis.
  • Cortisone injections: Cortisone is a powerful medication that treats inflammation, and inflammation is a common problem in patients with shoulder pain. Discuss with your doctor the possible benefits of a cortisone injection for your shoulder pain condition.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

63rd Republic day

 Republic Day commemorates the date on which the Constitution of India came into force,
 While India's Independence Day celebrates its freedom from British Rule, the Republic Day celebrates the coming into force of its constitution.
         ''This is the country of colors and faith in spirituals. Lets this Republic day reminds us for the work and life given by our leaders to safe and happy life''.